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10 Creative ways to save money


10 Creative ways to save money


We’re all feeling the financial squeeze of rising living costs lately, and we’re all looking for quick ways to cut back on our spending to free up valuable money. At Ziffit we love giving our customers a bit of extra cash for trading in their preloved items. But, if that wasn’t enough, we’ve got our heads together at Ziffit HQ to compile 10 creative ways to save money.


1. Change your commute

With petrol station prices looking more like a test cricket scoreboard rather than the price of fuel, there has never been a better time to ditch the routine commute. Whether that means cycling to work, walking to the station, or even carpooling with colleagues, there are many ways to cut down costs when it comes to travel. With an increasing number of workplaces offering cycling to work schemes, commuters are swapping their four wheels for two! Not to mention the fantastic health and environmental benefits too. reports that cycling has less than a tenth of the carbon footprint emissions of driving. So not only are you saving the pounds, but you’re saving the planet too!


2. DIY gifts

DIY gifts’ previous bad reputation of being a last minute panic present is finally changing. Homemade personalised creations are on the up, and can be cheap and easy to create. From baked treats and pillows, to clothes and body scrubs, the DIY gift opportunities are endless. Recipients are loving how thoughtful presents can be, especially the sentimental element that can be added to personalised creations. With the gift market increasing in price, especially around holiday seasons, it’s time to forget about an overpriced deodorant set and fall in love with a personalised homemade tea towel!


3. Healthy eating

We all love a takeaway. The thought of coming home from a long day at work and having to cook fills many of us with dread. But there are so many alternatives to spending big on takeaways and frozen pizzas that not only save time, but are great for keeping a balanced diet. BBC Good Food has hundreds of healthy homemade recipes adaptations of your favourite takeaways, with some taking as little as 15 minutes to cook. So you don’t have to miss out on the beautiful taste of melting cheese, while still saving your valuable money. With studies suggesting the average UK adult spends over £641 a year on takeaway food, making a small change to your weekly routine can make a huge difference.


4. Learn a new skill

Now we are in no way suggesting you try to teach yourself to rewire your flat, or attempt to change that broken tile on your roof, some things are definitely safter left to the professionals. However, learning a new skill can save you money in the future, as well as being fantastic for your mental health. Learning things such as sewing, gardening, or even changing your own window wipers can all be so valuable in saving money for the future. Have a think about the services you regularly pay for, and if any require skills that you would love to learn. There are thousands of free tutorials on sites such as YouTube that will help you learn the basics, and you’ll be a wiz in no time!


5. Second-hand clothes

It’s in Ziffit’s DNA to adore preloved items, and we always recommend finding a new home for things before looking to buy new. Not only is it brilliant for the environment, but it’s fantastic for your finances too. Preloved clothes are so accessible now; your fashion style, favourite brands, and new inspirations can all be easily found at fantastic prices. The mobile app market is full of various companies providing excellent platforms to buy and sell used clothes, and you can pick up some real bargains! Or why not take a look in your local charity shops? Not only do many have a massive selection of various garments, but you are helping out fantastic causes around the world.


6. Second-hand clothes

A Which? Survey concluded that a quarter of households in the UK grow their own fruit and vegetables, often as a way to save on the rising costs of food. Fruit and veg prices have increased dramatically over the past few years, and access to affordable healthy food is becoming outrageously limited. However, you don’t even necessarily need an outside space to be able to grow some of your favourites, and it is a great experience to do with the kids and family. Growing your own not only saves the pennies, but reduces your carbon footprint, and encourages a healthy diet.


7. Finally quit that one habit!

We all have guilty pleasures that we know we would do better without. But if the obvious potential health, mental, or social benefits can’t quite get us over that line, perhaps the financial benefits would be the last little push you needed to finally quit that one bad habit. Cutting down on smoking or drinking, deleting that tub of ice cream from your online shopping basket, or even putting a cap on buying virtual coins on video games can all contribute to having more money at the end of every month. There are lots of habit-changing apps can provide excellent support if you need it. Even the smallest of cutbacks can really add up to make a difference.


8. No-money fun

Family days out, date nights, or even solo adventures, we spend so much money on experiences and making memorable moments. Having unforgettable memories is the most valuable possession, and is so important for maintaining positive mental wellbeing. However, tickets, admission prices, and restaurant bills can quickly add up, especially in large groups. Sites such as TripAdvisor and provide fantastic ideas of days out that don’t cost a penny. From museums to forests, there is so much to do and learn without having to stretch your bank balance. Many local councils also specially run free activity days, so keep an eye out for your next no-money fun day!


9. Packed lunch

The thought of choosing what meal deal to combine, or what kind of pastry goodies to get from the local bakery is the motivation many people need to get through a busy work morning. It’s the big debate of offices around the world at about 11:30am, “What are you getting for lunch”. However, have you ever considered the cost of buying lunch every day, even if it’s something as small as a sandwich from a shop. Research suggests that the average UK adult will spend over £10,000 on meal deals over their working career. While packed lunches may take your minds back to your school days, they’re an affordable tweak to your spending habits, and they don’t have to be boring either! BBC Good Food provides hundreds of exciting lunchbox solutions that will not only give you that midday boost, but will still give you a voice in the lunchtime office debate.


10. Ziffit

We’ve saved the best till last! Ziffit is a fantastic way of creating a bit of extra cash. Have you still not got round to taking those old CDs to the dump? Or perhaps you finally need to start clearing those preloved books from your loft. Ziffit gives you cash for your unwanted books and media, and makes the whole process simple and easy. As part of World of Books Group, we are also integral to our parent company’s circular economy, meaning that no product is sent to waste. So not only are you doing great for yourself, but also the planet. Our sister company Wob has millions of preloved books and media in stock at great prices. So once you’ve sent us your used items, you can recycle your collection without spending big!


That’s our list wrapped up! We hope we’ve given you some super ideas on how to make your money last longer.

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